Listening to newscasts day in and day out makes you immune to the weirdest or ridiculous news stories. One thing I have found interesting all the time are murder cases. I find them so interesting because most times close friends or relatives do not even know that the person was capable of committing such an inhumane act. It is not surprising that these accused however can lead such a double life with those who are closest to them – clueless they could act in such ways.

Accused of killing Annie Le

Accused of killing Annie Le

I find it baffling though that people who lead normal lives – have a job, join the latest social websites, enjoy going out, attend family events, church etc can turn around in a split second and hold an airplane hostage or kill someone and stuff their body in a wall. How gross?

I would not want to know that one of my closest friends killed someone. I would be shocked, saddened, flabbergasted and just confused as to how I didn’t see the complete picture. How could I miss that my friend was able to maim and kill someone? This is the reality that many people face in their lives as their friends are accused and later charged for killing or committing heinous acts of violence. I do not judge people and would not encourage people to do so. I usually am naïve when it comes to putting the whole picture together. I usually wait for the person to show their real colours. I do not have the guts or the ability to see things before they do happen; some of my friends can by the way.

The major stress in all of this is coping with the fact that your friend lied to you all along. The fact that they have kept their double life a secret pains you even more because you do not want to see this person suffer especially in prison where they will end up. This ridiculous situation makes you look stupid because here you are willing to put your life on the line for the person when they are able behind your back ready to kill, rape or abuse someone.

The cases are then dragged through the court system which makes the pain even harder to bear because most friends and relatives are called upon to be apart of the defence. The defence typically proves that the accused lived a normal life and was a great individual with a bright future. Sometimes it is hard to prove your innocence because of the overwhelming case of the prosecution; but the defence’s arguments may be used to lessen the time behind bars or allow you to walk free.

It doesn’t help that people nowadays have crazy turn-ons. Whether it is sexual, visual etc the weirdest thing turns them on making them into addicts. More than ever it appears that being abused – emotionally or physically is a trend. This horrible cycle affects all parties. This encourages the abuser to continue especially when s/he is able to hide their double life’s activities. Revealing it to the world is furthest from their minds and so they do everything to keep it private; whether they are going to be alone or seek ways to entertain their negative ways – online or with a group.

I hope people who are close to these accused men and women will begin to see warning signs from early on to help them get over their issues. We have tendencies to overlook these instances where they mention something crazy, or we witness them doing something which could in the end lead to their own detriment. It is time we take a stand for our friends and relatives and ensure that we do whatever we can to help when we see warning signs glaring in our eyes.