Everywhere you go today people are constantly on blackberries, I-phones and all these top gadgets. You just cannot miss them! It is this new craze that is taking on traction in society. No longer is it that holders of blackberries would be corporate employees. Please. Any and everyone today appear to be walking with one, except me of course. I guess the time will come when something else has taken off. In marketing they call us laggards.


In a bid to be constantly communicating, these gadgets fill this gap. It allows users to be always connected and always accessible. I cannot bear to see blackberry users ignore protocol and disturb the environment. To this end, users of these high gadgets think it is a right to use their phones anytime. It is not a right. There is no way you should be using your phone in a meeting for personal entertainment. I can understand that at some point along the way you will be needed urgently by someone. However, it is the constant deliberate attempt to undermine those leading and other factors. Normally you would think that if you’re going to disturb a meeting hide and do it, secretly. No, users of blackberries must be seen and heard. It is sickening. Until they are in leadership roles and need that attention and feedback in a discussion that they will understand that it is really not cool to be using the phone in certain settings.

Clearly, this distracts you from the real purpose at hand and does not allow you to be productive, contributing to the tasks at hand. I have a friend who has a blackberry and he made the comment that until I have a blackberry then I will understand why users are constantly on them, even becoming distracted. I appreciate technology and the ability to communicate. I do not welcome people disrespecting others in a professional setting with the excuse of a cell-phone. Those that are trying to reach you most times are secondary, they won’t die, the economy won’t crash, and the world will still orbit the sun. Show some respect and know when to be on that cellular technology.

Some tips.

  1. Ensure phone is set to Silent/Vibrate before entering a meeting.
  2. If your phone happens to ring, allow the person to leave a message and record the person’s name and number so you can return their call AFTER the meeting NOT during.
  3. If your phone happens to rings aloud, apologize and tell the person on the line you will get back to them.
  4. Develop a habit of placing phone on silent/vibration. You are going to enter a meeting with others who are sacrificing time, be respectful for their time.